Move and animate the Scratch cat by pressing the A and B micro:bit buttons.
This simple example displays text or numbers on the micro:bit LED matrix.
Move the fish around the screen using the micro:bit tilt sensor. Change the color effect of the fish by shaking the micro:bit.
Do something when one (or any) of the buttons are pressed. |
Do something anytime the micro:bit detects movement. |
Do something when the micro:bit is physically shaken. |
Do something when the micro:bit is tossed in the air. |
Display text or numbers on the LED matrix. If you display individual letters or numbers, they will remain on the display until something else is written. Words or multi-digit numbers will automatically scroll across the display. |
Display a symbol from the list on the micro:bit screen. |
Set an individual LED on or off. The LED Matrix is laid out in a grid with 5 rows (x) and 5 columns (y). |
Set all LEDs off (i.e. clear the display). |
Do something when the micro:bit is tilted in any direction.. |
Check if the micro:bit is tilted in a certain direction. |
Get the current tilt angle of the micro:bit in degrees. |
Do something when one of the pads (0, 1, 2) are connected to ground (GND). |